When everybody asks for the show to go on, Facebook and Twitter don't mind it at all, by Luís Garcia
Last September I had my Twitter account permanently suspended because I uploaded videos showing evidence of HK rioters committing acts of terrorism:
Yesterday, Facebook/Instagram permanently removed my accounts:
Yesterday, I didn't post anything remotely offensive, rude or even controversial. Facebook gave no explanation whatsoever for such a harsh decision, but I guess the reason for Facebook to censor me for good was that I wrote and shared 2 more articles... precisely exposing Facebook censorship:
Actually, I am supportive of Facebook's decision to remove my account, as it wouldn't make sense to share on Facebook articles about censorship on Facebook without ending being censored by Facebook.
Two years ago, Facebook also deleted the Facebook page (with 5500+ followers) I had created for my Portuguese language website, again without any sort of explanation.
But guess what? Whose fault? Facebook fault?
No, of course not. It is the fault of masochist beings with Stockholm Syndrome.
In 2014, I insisted to friends that we should all start using VK (Russian Facebook), but nobody cared:
- https://vk.com/luisgarcia1981 (personal)
- https://vk.com/nomadicthougths (for this website)
In 2017 I insisted a lot to followers of my articles/websites and Facebook friends to join me on VK, at a moment Facebook was massively censoring information about Syria and Facebook accounts were being removed by the thousands.
At that time, this was the cover of my Facebook and VK accounts:
In 2019 I gave up posting on VK, as even those who already had VK accounts, continued to prefer to interact on Facebook and were ignoring my posts on VK.
I decided to use my old yet abandoned Twitter account. The number of followers grew 10 fold in a short time but, as I said, it was permanently suspended 2 and a half months ago.
So I came back to Facebook, until yesterday night. This morning I attained the inevitable and expected outcome.
Since 2016, I have been insisting that we should all keep Facebook and VK accounts during a (long) transitional period until every REASONABLE being would have his/her VK account. At that moment, we would finally be free from Facebook threats and able to continue to communicate without using Facebook or any other US-based Orwellian social media.
But who cares about a dumb anonymous monkey like me, right? Sounding paranoid and extremist, always telling us about his conspiracy theories, right?
I am nobody, I am practically invisible, so I can't possibly be taken seriously when I argue that one day will be too late and we will all be disconnected from those people we consider to be interesting and worth following.
Far more known and actually renowned people have argued about similar measures as I did and do, but almost nobody listens or cares about what they say, let alone what I say.
I am convinced that people, in general, love to complain and to show themselves as martyrs of 3 days or 7 days Facebook suspensions. It must have to do with some Judaic-Christian virus that found a way to spread itself all over the planet, across different races, nationalities, and languages.
Most people on Earth are completely unaware of the fact that Facebook censors, blocks, deletes, etc. But, of course, I am not addressing those persons.
I am addressing those who are aware and/or are "victims" of Facebook censorship.
Some argue one has to have 2 or 3 Facebook accounts, in order to stay online when one of the accounts is temporarily blocked. I disagree.
What if permanently suspended?
Why insist to call the devil a "devil" using devil's mouth, as if there were no Chinese or Russian alternatives? What's wrong with people?
Why not try to prevent it? Better safe than sorry, if we were to listen to Chinese ancient wisdom. But no, the West (way) is the best: temporary toxic "cure".
So yes, I disagree. One has to have ZERO Facebook accounts.
I insist, before that, we have to pass through (or should have passed through) a period of transition during which we will/would use both Facebook and Chinese/Russian platforms.
But I guess people love to be mistreated and, therefore, will continue to ask for more. In a world of democratized digital technology, people insist on using Facebook because Masochism is provenly widespread. Few dare to make the ultimate conclusion: the only solution is to abandon US/Western platforms for good before too late.
All this is not Facebook's or Twitter's fault.
It is people's fault, fault of their laziness, of their inability to see the big picture, their incapability to anticipate moves and predict how the chess game of social media platforms will eventually end. So let it be.
Ps.: The next article will again be about Xinjiang/Uighurs, and it is almost ready. If you wish to read it, add this website to your browser's favorites (please, not shitty Chrome!). I will share it only on Russian VK and I will not share anything else on US-based social media.
Luís Garcia, Thailand