US Terror State and COVID-19, two natural lovers, by Luís Garcia
If the terrorist organization known as the US Army was a nation, it would rank #1 in the world list of COVID-19 cases per million inhabitants, followed by the micro-state of Andorra and a rather long list of madly capitalist nations, capitalist nations and social democratic nations... if you get what I mean.
Great Russian journalist Murad Gazdiev has more:
New York ranks 10th in the world by Covid19 deaths... among countries.
— Murad Gazdiev (@MuradGazdiev) October 26, 2020
As many dead as in the entirety of Spain, or France.
It's strange hearing Democrats say they could have done a better job than Trump. A pickle probably could, but certainly not Democrats
Meanwhile, in truly socialist and communist countries:
North Korea - 0
Laos - 3
Vietnam - 12
China - 60
Eritrea - 129
Syria - 316
Cuba - 594
Venezuela - 3199
North Korea - 0
Laos - 0
Eritrea - 0
Vietnam - 0,4
China - 3
Cuba - 11
Syria - 16
Venezuela - 28
Now I am waiting for those brainless sheep-like humans who constantly posit that "It is proven socialism doesn't work" to explain these figures.
And no, don't even try FALLACY 101 about the unreliability of figures coming from certain nations, because unreliable data comes primarily from Sweden, and from Western nations in general.
Sweden openly cooks its data. On this proven fact, read:
Sweden falsifies deaths by COVID-19 to fit a narrative
And also:
PART 4 - Delusional Approach: Sweden
US and Europe provide absurd daily variations fitting weekly patterns that are not consistent with the natural spreading of a virus.
The socialist and communist nations above mentioned do not provide this sort of absurdities.
So no, don't even try it!
Luís Garcia, Thailand