In this essay, I propose you to compare 2 indicators in different continents and countries: cases of COVID-19 per million and also the death by COVID-19 per million. The idea is to (...)
Here are some examples of no-lock-down countries with ever-increasing cases and deaths by COVID-19, plus some examples of lock-down countries with very successful results. The difference (...)
I have been told by many enlightened beings that I am wrong about the lock-downs. These almighty beings call me dumb, naive and a sheep because I fail to acknowledge their absolute true-trues: A
THE NEW YORK TIMES: YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN! *** BAD CHINA OR FAVOURED JAPAN? Deepak Kabra, an Indian judge, openly racist and sinophobic, admitted on Twitter is an unsportsmanlike (...)
If the terrorist organization known as the US Army was a nation, it would rank #1 in the world list of COVID-19 cases per million inhabitants, followed by the micro-state of Andorra and a rather (...)