Sinophobia, Russophobia, and Western chauvinism at the Olympics [Part 1]
by Luis Garcia
Russia and China are again blocking the West from fully controlling the world. ‘How dare they?’
The most frightening thing is the state of the self-righteousness and self-deception of the Western public. One wants to scream: Don’t they see? Do they refuse to see? Is it more comfortable not to see? How long are they going to pretend that they are blind? Or maybe they are blind…"
To watch Western media broadcasting the Olympics is like attending a workshop on Western abhorrent racism. Those who watched live the same British broadcasting of the semi-final of men's table tennis as I did, surely heard the British commentator calling the Chinese athlete Ma Long "The Dictator". He said it five times!
Why? Because Ma Long has been dominating the discipline for a long while and... because he is Chinese. Imagine the audience's reaction if, for the very same reason, a commentator would call Ronaldo, Michael Jordan, or Usain Bolt dictators! Interesting detail, the British commentator is a former table tennis player who previously played against... "The Dictator".
While watching Eurosport, I witnessed another perfect example of Western racism. The live broadcasting of the athletics was suddenly interrupted to show an over-excited British woman celebrating her silver medal. The absurd (and I was following it live on the official website of Tokyo 2020) is that the Chinese athlete competing in the same weightlifting women's +87kg had just broken 2 Olympic records and was competing with herself for yet another record. She won the gold medal with an astonishing difference of 37 Kg to second place (the over-excited British above mentioned), but no mention of the Chinese and her deeds.
This is what usually happens when the Chinese are competing, excelling, and even breaking records. They are systematically ignored by supremacist Western reporters. And, if Chinese athletes are mentioned, the only reason to do so is to raise shameless and baseless suspicions over Chinese successes:
More, 2 Chinese athletes got the gold and silver medals in Women's Balance Beam. The winner, Guan Chenchen, is only 16 years! Yet, Western media and even the official website for Tokyo 2020 focused on the US athlete who came in third.
In a normal world, the focus should be on Guan Chenchen and on the Chinese double victory:

More. The North American commentator of a US sports channel broadcasting Men's Greco-Roman 97kg, with a Russian athlete opposing a Polish athlete, advised the audience to support the Polish. Not hiding his support for the Polish, he went on affirming the Polish athlete "has to win this fight". Eventually, the Russian athlete won.
The examples of Western shameless Russophobia and Sinophobia during this Olympics are just overwhelming.
Imagine a football team (Team A) in a major European championship that got one 1st place, three 2nd places, and fifty 3rd places in its history. Imagine another team (Team B) with ten championships conquered, yet no second nor third places. Obviously, everyone will consider Team B more successful, right?
Back to the Olympics, success has been always measured by the highest amount of gold medals (1st place) and not by the total of medals. Obviously!
As in the case above, measuring total medals (first, second and third places combined) might distort the perception of who is really the best. Team A had a total of 54 medals, yet only won the championship once. Team B won it 10 times. Team B is the best.
Naturally, Olympic rankings have always been listed by gold medals won... until now. Right now, given the fact China is leading in gold medals, many in the West (particularly in the US) entered in denial mode and instead opt to rank nations by total medals:
The problem for these Westerners with complexes of supremacy will be if China also obtains the best total amount of medals. In that case, a denial mode 2.0 will be required. If China gets to be first both in gold medals and in total medals, pseudo-intellectuals will come up with pseudo-analysis downgrading the importance of (Chinese) success in sports, thus inviting us to ignore one more positive aspect of China.
Just in case China gets too much success in a purely peaceful and civilized arena, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and their top sinophobic stenographers are already betting on this wild horse:

Communist Cuba, despite being a victim of choking embargoes, sanctions, and US terror plots, always gets plenty of medals, and the medalists are all Cuban. The same applies to the socialist and equally sieged Venezuela. The same applies to communist China. No need to import athletes (read steal medals) from other nations. On the other hand, the Western nations embargoing, sanctioning and attacking them need to import their athletes in order to obtain medals (or even not). This alone says plenty about the wonders of capitalism.
A few days ago I bothered to check the origins of all the athletes in the Portuguese Olympic team. More than 20 out of 92 are foreigners. 4 Cubans, 2 Chinese (for the table tennis), 1 Georgian (for judo), and plenty of athletes from African nations.
The first 2 Olympic medals for Portugal should actually go to São Tomé and Príncipe, and for Angola, 2 Portuguese former colonies from which we constantly steal the best athletes.
Now imagine if, after having moved from Sporting Lisbon to Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo were to join the English national team. Not nice, right?
So, why can´t Jorge Fonseca come to a Portuguese team (again, Sporting Lisbon) just for the better salary, while keeping his Saotomean nationality, thus winning medals for São Tomé and Príncipe? Why can´t western nations let smaller, less developed and/or poorer nations get their own medals too?
The difference between capitalist European Portugal and communist Cuba is staggering. Both have roughly the same size and population, but the similarities end here. Unlike Cuba, Portugal is not isolated geographically and, more importantly, it is not isolated by US murderous policies. Yet, communist besieged Cuba is far more successful in sports (and education, medicine, etc) than capitalist non-besieged Portugal.
The best way to illustrate this difference is to compare the medals won by Portugal and Cuba from the Cuban revolution to the present day:

Since the Cuban revolution, Cuba got 73 gold medals, 214 medals in total, an average of 15.3 medals per Olympic game, and its best result was a 4th place.
Since the Cuban revolution, Portugal got 4 gold medals, 15 medals in total, an average of 1.1 medals per Olympic game, and its best result was a 23rd place.
At Tokyo 2020, competing only with Cuban nationals, Cuba already has 4 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 4 bronze medals. Several more will surely come. Meanwhile, Portugal got 1 silver medal and 2 bronze medals, but only 1 out of these 3 medals was own by a Portuguese athlete.
So no, don't tell us again "it was already proven that communism does not work". Bullshit!
Back to Western nations stealing medals, here is more. Watching men´s 100 meters final, we get to see 1 Chinese and 7 black Africans competing for non-African nations. There is nothing to say about those who compete for their nations, like Jamaica, to where their ancestors were brought to work as slaves of the uncivilized Europeans. But a black African in Greco-roman wrestling representing Ukraine? Or, in long distances, plenty of Ethiopians and Kenyans representing European nations? Chinese playing table tennis for Slovakia, Germany, Australia, Ukraine, the US, or even Luxembourg? A Cuban boxer representing Azerbaijan? Portugal and France completing their Judo teams with athletes born in Georgia? And so on and so on! Despicable!
Amazing how the West, always bragging about humanitarianism and care for minorities and for starving dark-skinned people, can´t possibly show true care, true humanism, or true empathy.
If they were really civilized, those Western nations (USA, Canada, Australia, most of Europe) should allow all their foreign athletes (competing professionally in the West) to keep their nationalities. The ranking of medals would be definitely more interesting and surely much fairer!
Even better. If they were true humanitarians showing true compassion and true empathy, they could host and sponsor athletes from disfavored nations, helping them to obtain the best conditions possible, in order to optimize their potential and, possibly, help them conquer medals for their nations.
If such kinds of situations can´t be achieved with common sense or humanism, regulation should be created to stop this outrageous plundering.
Adding insult to injury, those Western nations stealing medals from weaker nations not only never showed remorse but now even brag about the ethnic diversity and the inclusiveness of their Olympic teams.
Ethnic diversity? Instead of committing genocides and cultural genocides over and over, why couldn't they do like China, a country where 56 ethnic groups still keep their languages, traditions, and cultures? What happened to the natives of the lands occupied by Canada and the US?
Inclusiveness? Why not include Native Americans in the US and Canadian Olympic teams, instead of keeping them in zoos and concentration camps?
Why the need to brag about the inclusion of a member of the Hmong ethnic group in the US team, a descendant of persons who most probably betrayed and abandoned Vietnam to serve the country that had just finished raping it?
What the West really shows, in these grotesques celebrations of diversity, is a complete sense of supremacy. Most in the West will never notice Hmongs and members of other ethnic groups naturally represent their countries (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, or China in the case of the Hmong). There is nothing to brag about. It is normal to have minorities in most countries on Earth. Only Europe and the aberrations it created (Canada, USA, Australia, etc) feel the need to fill up the genocidal void they created with imported minorities.
Only Western nations go as far as adopting members of foreign ethnic minorities, to then literally use them as inclusiveness badges and humanitarian badges. Simply sickening!