The West became a land of utterly zombified beings
A rational being, even a not very bright one, is perfectly capable to understand US's vassals in Europe are making up the most ludicrous lie ever (Saint Navalny poisoned) to please their US master, while shooting their own feet energetically and economically.
A lot has been said, a lot was written, but a rational being doesn't need to dig that deep to find out this childish mediocre lie makes no sense at all:
- Latest Navalny Novichok water bottle poisoning claim stretches all credibility, but Western media swallows it without question
- Navalny associates accused of ‘treason’ by prominent Moscow senator after lobbying Biden for more US sanctions against Russia
Clear evidence of Western criminal interference in Russia's internal affairs and direct support to Navalny (full video here):
Content made on Kapwing
Western double-standards:
Watch the second half, on Navalny:
Luís Garcia, Thailand