Debunking Western propaganda against China - Concentration camps for Uighurs [INTRO]
NOTE: This is an open article. When necessary, It will be updated to include more anti-China propaganda videos or new information.
There's an overwhelming amount of publications, information and data disproving the absolutely nonsensical Western claim of "up to 1 million" Uighurs "imprisoned" in so-called "concentration camps" in China. Yet, delusional Westerners wishfully swallow any lie or false claim denigrating China, the CCP, the Chinese government or the Chinese people.
In that case, instead of showing westerners Chinese "propaganda" or pro-China "propaganda", the best approach would be to dismantle the "information" westerners use to "prove" how "evil China is".
To do so, I have here a list of 11 short-documentaries produced by major Western lying MSM, ready to be debunked. I invite you all to send me data, footage, articles, documents or simply arguments you might find useful to debunk any of these videos.
You can do it by leaving a comment in this article or in this 21SilkRd's discussion.
If you prefer, you can send me an email ( or a message to my FB account (lgnomada).
You can also propose other videos to be debunked.
If you know about existing articles debunking some of these videos, please let me know.
If you have something useful to debunk a certain part of one of these videos, before the data, please add to your message/email something like: "about video 3, 08m05s to 08m53s".
That will help me organize the information in chronological order.
The names of the contributors will appear at the end of each article (I will publish one article for each video).
The articles can be republished without prior authorization, but please add a reference (with a link) to the original publication.
The data can be divided into 2 categories, arguments and facts, both to be backed by all the data you can provide.
The arguments/facts can be direct ones (about the treatment given to the Uighur people, standards of living in Xinjiang, Chinese policies, arrested persons, etc.) or indirect ones (concentration camps in the US for underaged migrants, treatment of terrorists in France, Western NGOs backing pro-independence movements in China, Western indirect attacks against the Belt and Road Initiative, etc). I will give some more random examples:
Examples of arguments:
- economic and political relations between China and predominantly-Muslims nations like Iran or Iraq.
- comparison between US policy of use of Drones and Chinese policy of Reeducation Centers
- unprofessional lack of footage about terrorist attacks in China (in these Western videos)
- One Child policy didn't apply to the Uighur people or any other minority, contradicting the claims of cultural genocide in China.
- all sorts of fallacies, like the one used on Video 2, 03m09s to 03m31s: the fast growth of unknown and unvisited buildings in China, even if backed by high-definition GoogleMaps footage, can not be used as evidence of fast growth in the number of "concentrations camps in China".
Examples of facts:
- real figures about the reeducation centers
- origin of the made-up figures used in the videos
- role and money of Western organizations/states behind famous anti-regime Uighurs
- standards of living inside the Chinese reeducation centers
- presence of Uighur terrorists in Idlib, Syria
- previous terrorist attacks in China
- figures about the effectiveness of Chinese policies
- expose the use of footage of victims of terrorist attacks as false evidence of Uighurs victims of repression
VIDEO 1 - Inside China's 'thought transformation' camps | BBC | UK
Already debunked. Read Debunking Western propaganda against China - Concentration camps for Uighurs [VIDEO 1].
VIDEO 2 - China's hidden camps | BBC | UK
Already debunked. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.
VIDEO 3 - China's secret internment camps | Vox | USA
NOTE: I am currently working on this one.
VIDEO 4 - Life Inside China's 'Re-Education' Camps | Wall Street Journal | USA
VIDEO 5 - How China is crushing the Uighurs | The Economist | USA
VIDEO 6 - China Has Detained More Than a Million Muslims | NowThis News | USA
NOTE: Partially debunked by Carl Zha. Read it here.
VIDEO 7 - UN calls for inquiry into Uighur detention centers in China | DW News | Germany
VIDEO 8 - The Muslim families torn apart by Chinese 're-education camps' | ITV News | UK
VIDEO 9 - Rare look inside China's internment camps holding more than 1 million Muslims | CBS News | USA
VIDEO 10 - China’s Vanishing Muslims: Undercover In The Most Dystopian Place In The World | VICE | USA
VIDEO 11 - Surviving China’s Uighur camps | France24 | France
ON THE UIGHUR ISSUE - Articles, essays, reports
He Zhao
Chinese government
China Daily
- Vocational Education and Training in Xinjiang
- Uygur mom mystified to be reported as 'missing'
- Xinjiang, an emerging investment hotspot
- Investment in Xinjiang up 19.6% in 2017
- Xinjiang to invest $70 billion in infrastructure in 2018
- Xinjiang's fixed-asset investment rises in H1
- Xinjiang prospers at fast track
- China's Xinjiang makes remarkable achievements in social development, human rights protection: Expert
People's Daily
- Xinjiang region provides focused assistance to areas of extreme poverty
- Xinjiang rural residents' per capita income ranks first in China's five NW provinces, autonomous regions
Global Times
- Fifty ambassadors throw weight behind China on Xinjiang,
- Xinjiang relocates 460k residents
- China bans anti-Islam words on social media
- Nearly 100 scholars, religious leaders in Xinjiang refute Pompeo with joint letter
- CNN report on Uyghur woman a ‘deliberate lie’
- Pompeo slammed for lying that Xinjiang woman was sent to training center, forcibly sterilized
- The untold truth about Xinjiang
- Protecting peace, stability is top of human rights agenda for Xinjiang
- Religious education necessary to eradicate extremism
- Surveillance tech grows in Xinjiang, necessary to counter terrorism
- Xinjiang educates, reforms imprisoned extremists in religious thought
- Xinjiang policies justified
- BBC views China’s Xinjiang governance via bizarre lens
- Xinjiang scores victories in the war on poverty (WITH PHOTOS)
- China welcomes Ozil to Xinjiang to debunk fake news: FM
- Xinjiang Muslims welcome govt’s efforts on hajj journeys
- Villagers embrace new life after relocation in Xinjiang
- Xinjiang offers 15 years of free education to residents
- Uyghurs not Turk descendants: white paper
Xinhua News
- Xinjiang lifts over 500,000 out of poverty in 2018
- Combating Terrorism and Maintaining Long-term Social Stability in Xinjiang
- Across China: Villagers embrace new life after relocation in Xinjiang
- Commentary: China's Xinjiang makes stunning progress
Bai Tian, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Malaysia
Lyu Jian, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Thailand
Thomas Hon Win Polin
Gerry Brown
- Xinjiang : The New Great Game
- A POLICE STATE IN XINJIANG? (debunking a SCMP article)
- Vicious lies fabricated by the rogue state USA to demonize China
Gerry Brown, Julian Liang
Andre Vltchek
- Who Should be Blamed for Muslim Terrorism?
- March of the Uyghurs
Washington’s Refined Art of Torturing China May Ignite a War
Godfree Roberts
R S Ahthion
World Affairs
Tony Cartalucci
- US Fueling Terrorism in China
- China’s Xinjiang Problem – Made in USA
- NYT’s “Leaked” Chinese Files Story Covers For Terrorism
F. William Engdahl
Ben Norton
- No, the UN did not report China has ‘massive internment camps’ for Uighur Muslims,
- China Uighurs: One million held in political camps, UN told (BBC's article)
Dennis Etler
- Demographics of Xinjiang
- Looking for a model for Progressive policies? Check out China!
- Typical distortion of reality from the anti-China Western media propaganda mill
Stanley Toops
Kurt Nimmo
Jun Mai
Sioux Oliver
Daniel Warsaw
- MSM’s expert of choice on ‘Uighur persecution’ topic is an anti-communist crusader who sees spanking as ‘discipline’ (more here)
Brandon Turbeville
- What’s the Truth About Those “Re-education” Camps in China?
- From Syria To Asia To Russia – Terror Network Organized By NATO And Turkey
Andrew McKillop
Andrew Korybko
Shane Quinn
ON THE UIGHUR ISSUE - Documentaries, videos, photos
New China TV
- The East Turkistan Islamic Movement, or ETIM, is designated as a terrorist organization by the UN
- A look at vocational education and training programs in Xinjiang
- Xinjiang's vocational training centers help women gain financial independence
- Helping victims of extremist doctrines get a new life
- Are Uygurs being tortured in China?
- The Point: China releases Xinjiang anti terrorism white paper
- China exposes the truth about Xinjiang, but the West ignores. Why?
- Behind the terrorism attacks in Xinjiang
- Even children have to learn violence from terrorists in Xinjiang
- Xinjiang religious leader: U.S. should get facts straight
- This is NanChuan Mosque in YinChuan, China
- These are some Iughur turcophones terrorists who came from China to do jihad in Idleb!
Facebook posts
- Uighur people using highspeed train
- Locations of mosques in China
- "Concentrations" camps where?
- Uighur PLA Sodiers
- Uighur Muslisms praying in mosques
- Mohamed Bahe, a foreign Muslim visiting Xinjiang
Hu Xijin, Global Times
An'ni Guli
Long War Journal
- How China transformed its desert into a fruit growing oasis (CGTN)
- #21SilkRdEnvironment #China (FB discussion)
- Miracle in Maowusu desert no coincidence (China Mosaic)
- China's Greening of the Vast Kubuqi Desert is a Model for Land Restoration Projects Everywhere (Time)
- Man-made oasis: Xinjiang's "green wall" fights expanding desert (Xinhua News)
- Síria: a indústria de direitos humanos na "guerra humanitária", (Tim Anderson) (in Portuguese)
- Syria: the human rights industry in 'humanitarian war' (Tim Anderson)
- 'We Are Running Concentration Camps': Images From El Paso Stir Outrage Over Migrant Treatment (Eoin Higgins)
- A Brief History of US Concentration Camps (Brett Wilkins)
- Nearly 15,000 children held in detention camps across the US (Niles Niemuth)
- The Truth about the Soviet Gulag - Surprisingly Revealed by the CIA (Saed Teymuri) (more here)
- Burka bans: The countries where Muslim women can't wear veils (
- The Bosnian Serb “Death Camp” Fabrication (GLOBAL POLITICS)
- New soil study confirms 1943 Bengal famine was caused by Winston Churchill’s policies, not drought (
- Internment Camps for Child Migrants (R S Ahthion)
- Notes for 30th Anniversary of TianAnMen Incident (He Zhao, Robert K Tan, Dennis Etler)
- Tiananmen: The Massacre that Wasn’t (Brian Becker)
- 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests (list of data)
- 41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground (The Guardian)
- India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam (Independent)
- Hong Kong protests aren't what they want you to think they are (Dan Cohen)
- Michel Midi avec André Lacroix: le dalaï-lama ment-il? (Investig'Action) (in French)
- A chacun ses "droits de l’homme"! (Bruno Guigue)
- Pentagon chief says US troops in Afghanistan to be redeployed against China (Bill Van Auken)
- Indian military deployed and internet shut down as protests rage against citizenship bill (CNN)
- Indian police forces oppressing protesters against the country's new Citizenship Amendment Act (CGTN)
- This Video Of A Child Dying In U.S. Custody Is Horrifying. You Should Watch It Anyway (Miles Howard)
- New Video Shows Border Patrol Account of Child’s Death Was Not True (ProPublica)
- Inhuman treatment of the children in US Concentration Camps
- Demonisation Tactics and the Fake Press’ Crime Against Humanity (James Tan)
- California homelessness ‘at crisis level’ with uptick of 16.4% this year (RT)
- Homelessness in US hits most vulnerable citizens: Researcher (Dennis Etler)
- Missing and murdered: Canada's genocide cover-up (Now Toronto)
- Wounded Knee Incident 1973 The Native American Genocide
- Migrants mistreated at US border
- According to the international standard rank evaluation, poverty has been annihilated in the Tibet region from last week
- Pingdingshan village massacre, the 1st large scale massacre of Chinese by Imperial Japanese Army
- Israeli imprisons Palestinian Children in zoo-like cages
The Truth About Tibet (Alan Leung)
A 1970 Law Led to the Mass Sterilization of Native American Women. That History Still Matters
BREAKING: Jane's Analyst Implicates NATO Terror Group in Bangkok Blast
- The Biggest Lie About China's Xinjiang "Internment Camps"