CHINA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason! (PART 1/2), by Luís Garcia
Sure there's plenty of dirty propaganda against China.
Sure there's plenty of footage and facts viciously manipulated by Western Lying Media.
Sure Western Lying Media hide/suppress/censor all the evidence showing the terrorist nature of the Hong Kong rioters.
Sure Facebook, Twitter and other vile tools of Western propaganda censor/block/suspend all those brave persons daring to expose the truth about the crimes and acts of terror perpetrated by Hong Kong rioters, and the flagrant US illegal intervention in Hong Kong through its "regime change" terrorist organizations such as NED, CANVAS or OTPOR!.
Yet, facts and truth are widely available online. Any reasoning being can find them and come to the obvious conclusion: US interference like all the other US interferences in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Venezuela, to mention only a few... the same organizations, the same faces, the same tactics, the same US politicians publicly supporting the rioters, the same prostituted journalists lying or censoring and manipulating valuable data.
Having recently published a book about US criminal interference in Venezuela (click here), and having carefully analyzed and organized hundreds of pieces of evidence of US criminal interference in Venezuela (click here), for me it is too damn obvious to see the pattern, to see Hong Kong riots as a blueprint of Venezuelan "guarimbas" and "arrecheras".
To not see the blatant and criminal US intervention in Hong Kong, a Westerner (and others) must have lost the ability to reason!
If you are NOT among those who have lost the ability to reason, I invite you to think about these montages I prepared in June, at the beginning of this violent campaign against China:
If you are not among those who have lost the ability to reason, I also invite you to watch the videos (Is it Time For REPARATIONS?, Hong Kong! BBC Supports Anti-Democracy Protests!?, etc.) produced by the brilliant Nathan Rich, a US citizen living in China:
Behind a made-for-TV Hong Kong protest narrative, Washington is backing nativism
And because words are not enough, I propose you to watch and analyze all the footage I will share here, collected in Hongkong during the last 3 months, and organized by topics:
El viernes por la noche la policía incautó en un edificio industrial 10 bombas de gasolina y aproximadamente 2 kg de triperóxido de triacetona explosivo, llamado "Madre de Satán" debido a su gran explosividad. ISIS ha utilizado este explosivo casero en atentados en Occidente.
— Descifrando la Guerra (@descifraguerra) July 21, 2019
This is not revolutionarism, this is organized crime. Stupid, pathetic, nihilistic. China is not oppressing you Hong Kong "rioters", you are violently oppressing those who disagree with you, proving how undemocratic and fascist you are! Live sentences for you all, you dumb criminals:
Revolutionary weapon outside the Tsim Sha Tsui police station #Hongkongprotest #HongKong
— Jon Chan (@sumtingwong2019) August 3, 2019
Rioters, please give us back the peaceful Orient pearl! I beg you! No more protest and we’ll be in a better world!
— Truth seeker (@truthseekerhk) August 5, 2019
The driver who tried to pass initially had argument with protesters. Protesters then roughed him up and bound his hands and leg w plastics. Spray painted his van. After he was released, he got into the van and ram the barricade (what you saw above)
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) August 5, 2019
HK Protesters zip tied him and continue to beat and interrogated him until he collapsed twice, then protesters prevented paramedics to get him out of the airport, all the while laughed at him
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) August 13, 2019
Hong Kong has seen a number of cases of black-clad rioters using deadly violence against citizens,For example, in video, several thugs hit a citizen in the head with weapons,Journalists at the scene did not stop the rioters or report on their attacks on civilians #hongkong #香港
— 人型近防炮L (@LIANG_555) August 6, 2019
Nothing to see here, just Hong Kong protesters beating up an elderly Uncle
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) July 16, 2019
— 生騰死逸 (@stsy2019) July 21, 2019
HKers teach you how to bully an old man and how to blackmail who don't agree with you. BTW don't forget to stick your slogan on your target's back.
— #Enactingart23 (@mibuxiaode) July 26, 2019
#antiELAB Bullying 😡
— Joey 🇨🇳🇭🇰🇲🇴🇹🇼 (@JOEYchirps) July 30, 2019
Three black-clad thugs hover over a lone senior citizen, shouting "We all think you have a problem, so get off the train at this station."
被起底港龍空姐惡成咁,欺負長者乘客,靠兩隻狗喺身邊指手畫腳!#HongKong #HongKongProtests #香港 #香港反送中
Coward Hongkongers, brainwashed by US's regime change organizations to attack the freedom of everybody else... in the name of "freedom". But westerners don't get it. Westerners are too zombified to understand China is the victim here:
Hong Kong protesters that the mainstream media never shows. This 'freedom fighters' are fighting against the civil society and social order. They want freedom for chaos.
— Erkin Öncan (@ErkinOncan) July 30, 2019
— lisi (@lisi58875199) July 31, 2019
HongKong Anti-extradition protestors held and bullied a weak old man. It's uncertain whether the old man survive or die.
These "protesters" do not fight for freedom (they already have), they fight for the end of freedom to those who don't agree with them --» FASCISM! Yes, they are fascists, the reason why they are praised by pro-fascism West.
— lisi (@lisi58875199) July 28, 2019
HongKong anti-extradition protestors restricted the freedom of an old man because of his different view.
During the Hong Kong riots the other day,Hong Kong thugs illegally detained a citizen,caused the citizen to become unwell and fell to the ground to call for help.The reporters present at the time routinely ignored the matter and did not report it...#hongkong #香港 #antiELABhk
— 人型近防炮L (@LIANG_555) August 2, 2019
Violent Hong Kong rioters attacking an elder man. What else must be shown to make people understand the criminal nature of these "protests"?
Riot, definitely riot #HKprotests #HongKong #HongKongProtesters
— Jon Chan (@sumtingwong2019) August 5, 2019
— 通說 (@Tong_Shuo) August 5, 2019
Series: How to redefine the boundary of free speech
— José Chang (@mibuxiaode) August 4, 2019
If you don't agree with our opinion, the iron fist of Hong Kong nativism will crash you 1---- Aug 3rd
BREAKING - Fighting has broken out at North Point between Protesters and local residents. #HongKongProtests #HongKong
— Michael Zhang 張雨軒 (@YuxuanMichael) August 5, 2019
A policeman got separated from his squad - and the protestors pounced on him
— Maitreya Bhakal (@MaitreyaBhakal) July 30, 2019
Apparently, his sin was that he hit a protestor. If true, let the CCTV cameras verify it and let the victim sue the police.
For people who want to preserve "rule of law" in HK, they sure love mob rule.
Chinese police attacked by violent "protesters". In "free" US they would be shot dead. In "not free" China they get away with their crimes. Oh man, how I despise western media and western sheep-like humans:
#antiELAB #FreedomHK Thugs attack police. Western msm won't report it, but the Truth will prevail💪
— Joey 🇨🇳🇭🇰🇲🇴🇹🇼 (@JOEYchirps) July 31, 2019
葵湧警署外:暴徒分小隊出黎攪事,警察俾人圍打。黑記永遠不會報導暴徒挑釁警察,繼而襲警,警察嘅委屈只能靠有良心嘅人傳遞出去!#HongKong #HongKongProtests #香港 #香港反送中
#antiELAB LIES Exposed?!
— Joey 🇨🇳🇭🇰🇲🇴🇹🇼 (@JOEYchirps) August 1, 2019
Protestors cheered fireworks launched at Tin Shui Wai police station. But then, co-conspirator misfired. Now they cry foul.#HongKong #HongKongProtests #香港 #香港反送中
Chinese police forces are just too kind! These brainwashed jellyfishes have no idea how lucky are they for being in China and not in the US, UK or France were they would be attacked, suffer injuries & be arrested for what they do. And for far less (or even nothing), they would be decapitated in Saudi Arabia!
As the press always say, the protestors are always peaceful. #HongKong #HongKongProtests #FreeHongKong #HongKongriot
— Jon Chan (@sumtingwong2019) July 31, 2019
This is an example of organized crime. These people are not fighting for freedom, a nonsense consistenly endorsed by Orwellian Western MSM. These people violate the freedoms of everybody else!
Since June 9, personal data of over 1,200 #HongKong police officers and their families were leaked online including phone numbers, addresses, ID numbers. Some even publicly incited and abetted others to kill police officers and hurt their children.
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) August 1, 2019
Support the police, to restore our Hong Kong to a peaceful place with law and order!
— Truth seeker (@truthseekerhk) August 2, 2019
Hong Kong rioters/thugs/mobs violently beating a police. It's these folks who have been packaged by western mainstream media as "peaceful" demonstrators. See, it's all about perspectives. Free press is not bias free. Far from it. Read Chomsky and then we talk. #HongKong
— Wang Guan (@WangGuanCGTN) August 5, 2019
#HongKongProtests #Hongkong videos of violent protesters you won't see on #reddit or western media
— Ricepill Dispensary🇦🇺🇭🇰🇨🇳🇬🇧 (@Ricepill_D) August 6, 2019
Reporter protects a cop beaten unconscious by #HongKongProtesters @SinoReddit
Such peaceful, democracy loving hippies, huh?
— Caleb T. Maupin (@calebmaupin) August 13, 2019
A Reddit user who feels people are being too sympathetic to protesters who stormed Hong Kong's Legislative Council has uploaded a big album of photos from inside the building, including this picture. Full photo set here:
— Timothy McLaughlin (@TMclaughlin3) July 3, 2019
Close up of Hong Kong protesters deface Chinese National Emblem with paint and eggs at China Liaison Office in Hong Kong
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) July 21, 2019
Fires outside three police stations. At this point, shouldn’t people, especially reporters, ask themselves whether they have encouraged such arsonist behaviour by constantly glorifying the use violence in the protest?
— Luna Lin (@LunaNLin) August 5, 2019
Police dormitory... crazy fucks!!!
— Jon Chan (@sumtingwong2019) August 9, 2019
US terrorism again in Hong Kong. To write my book about Venezuela, I analysed tons of footage and, yes, criminal barricades is a very common feature of US-sponsored terrorism in Venezuela. In Venezuela, hundreds of people were killed in similar criminal barricades.
These violent tactics being used in Hong Kong are the same used by the US-backed coup-mongers in Nicaragua and Venezuela, who made giant road barricades (called tranques or guarimbas) and then attacked any cars that tried to pass through
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) August 5, 2019
Same NED playbook
— 一名普通的中国人🇨🇳 (@marsa38347397) August 6, 2019
Hong Kong barricades are blueprints of what criminal opposition have been doing in Venezuela for years. Learn about Venezuelan "guarimbas" and "arrecheras" if you want to know what comes next in Hong Kong.
Rioters in #HK apparently attacking a man who refused to join them in their actions. Is this "pro-democracy"?! Is this "freedom of expression"?! Is this peaceful protest?! #SaveHK
— LIU Xin (@thepointwithlx) August 5, 2019
The bare-faced hypocrisy of anti-govt protesters in #HongKong: Even as they accuse the govt of violating their freedom of speech, they try to silence others (majority) with verbal and physical abuse. Only their rights are rights? #antiELAB
— Qingqing_Chen (@qingqingparis) July 30, 2019
#antiELAB Cockroach Raid®️
— Joey 🇨🇳🇭🇰🇲🇴🇹🇼 (@JOEYchirps) August 6, 2019
Blocking people from exit. Confronted by foreigner. Speechless. Nostalgic for British colonialism. But cockroach doesn't speak English 🤭#HongKong #HongKongProtests #香港 #香港反送中
Like Western-sponsored terrorist "rebels" in Syria, US-sponsored "protesters" in Hong Kong wave the flags of colonial powers. Symptomatic, no? UK and others raped, killed, destroyed, occupied and humiliated China and Chinese people. The opposite never happened.
And they complain of being a colony of China... Hong Kong land taken by the British after the utterly infamous Opium Wars, somehow, is not Chinese?
we joke but this is literally the reason behind the Hong Kong riots
— cia is funding hk terrorists (@redniangzijun) July 5, 2019
this and decades of anti communism propaganda and racism towards mainlanders
#antiELAB Parental Abuse
— Joey 🇨🇳🇭🇰🇲🇴🇹🇼 (@JOEYchirps) August 2, 2019
Denied key to return home after riots: Pulls mom's hair. Flips over dad; beats his head. Walks off muttering, "Family."#HongKong #HongKongProtests #香港 #香港反送中
Hong Kong protesters in Hong Kong proudly sing US National anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner” O say can you see ... What so proudly we hailed ...brings tears to my eyes 😂🤣💀
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) August 10, 2019
truest words a white Brit has ever spoken
— cia is funding hk terrorists (@redniangzijun) August 14, 2019
Oh, say can you see...
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) August 16, 2019
Read this article of mine: Hong Kong criminal rioters and their sickening sinophobia.
who's to say what these foreigners are doing in HK 🤔
— 🇨🇳 four matters of confidence 🇨🇳 (@redniangzijun) July 29, 2019
Captured on #Huawei P30 Pro: another CIA/NED MI6 handler...🤭#HongKong #HongKongProtests #antiELAB #香港 #香港反送中
— Joey 🇨🇳🇭🇰🇲🇴🇹🇼 (@JOEYchirps) July 29, 2019
— Nancy (@Nancy00768) July 31, 2019
Foreigner are training the how to attack the police officers.
Jimmy Lai,Anson Chan,Martin Lee, Albert Ho, Alan Leong, and Jeremy Tam ,photographed having dinner with two Americans. Their conversation was overheard: the two Americans ordered Lai and his gangsters to mobilize protesters to continue against the police with violence. Shameful!
— Truth seeker (@truthseekerhk) August 3, 2019
#US officials meet (to coordinate most likely) with the thugs who are destroying #HongKong, it's now obvious we are not talking about a genuine protest.
— Enrico Ivanov ☦ (@Russ_Warrior) August 8, 2019
Like Victoria Nuland during Maidan in #Ukraine the objective is not the well being of people but provoking #Russia and #China.
Western propaganda against China is falling too low: lies, fantasy and prejudice against Chinese culture.
— Luís Garcia 🇻🇪🇸🇾🇨🇺🇰🇵🇮🇷🇷🇺🇨🇳 (@lgnomada) July 31, 2019
Concentration camps are in the US you morons! In occupied Afghanistan, in occupied Guantanamo!
Jemma: #HongKong and #Moscow. Its almost like these photoshoots were staged by the same PR company backed by the #CIA or something." @AusJNott
— tim anderson (@timand2037) August 6, 2019
22:30 HKT
— #AntiELAB Fight for Hong Kong (@Fight4HongKong) August 1, 2019
Police search and confiscate multiple big plastic bags of items in Haribest Industrial Building in Fo Tan.
Reports say the confiscated items are protest supplies, and that police on site are seen with door breaking tools.#AntiELAB #FreedomHK
it is an army, not protestors
— José Chang (@mibuxiaode) August 3, 2019
Time to change!
— Ghosthunter (@Chris82895304) August 6, 2019
Fascist HK rioters threatening, oppressing and censoring those who don't agree with their minority movement.
Yes, HK riots are fascists, undemocratic, violent, criminal!
Series: How to redefine the boundary of free speech
— José Chang (@mibuxiaode) August 5, 2019
If you don't agree with our opinion, the iron fist of Hong Kong nativism will crash you 4---- AUG 4th
They don't allow the journo (from Ta Kung) who has a different opinion to take photos.
#antiELAB cockroach opens umbrella in futile attempt to block press from filming their violence. #HongKong #HongKongProtests #香港 #香港反送中
— Joey 🇨🇳🇭🇰🇲🇴🇹🇼 (@JOEYchirps) August 6, 2019
#HongKong Journalists Association @HKJA_Official condemns violent attacks on news vans of TVB in recent days, most recently late Sunday night when a reporter & a driver suffered cuts after #AntiELAB protesters smashed the windows of the car. Photo: Sing Tao Daily
— Damon Pang (@damon_pang) August 7, 2019
Condemnation for violence poured in after Global Times reporter #FuGuohao was brutally assaulted by rioters at #HK airport around midnight Tuesday while he was performing reporting tasks. #香港
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) August 13, 2019
Too peace and support the police of hongkong #ChinaHongkongas1#
— GDPC (@1luv0luv) August 3, 2019
Hey folks ! #HongKong is #China. FYI
— Caleb T. Maupin (@calebmaupin) August 3, 2019
Dozens of patriotic #HongKong residents raised the Chinese national flag at the Victoria Harbor on Monday night, after radical protesters took down a national flag from a pole and threw it into the Victoria Harbor earlier in the day, the second of its kind in two days. #香港
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) August 5, 2019
And finally, to show you Twitter's Orwellian behavior, here are screenshots of SOME of the MANY tweets deleted/censored by this vile US company:
Part 2 HERE
Luís Garcia, Ribamar, Portugal