Freedom of expression and propaganda (2) Speaking of Thailand, where I live at the moment, do you want me to tell you a sad joke about freedom of speech? Some weeks ago I met a Polish (...)
Lies and deception at the border As if this Machiavellian recipe to commit crimes in total impunity hadn't been used and reused over and over again, and while the victims are always the (...)
First things first: by now, anyone with a tiny bit of brain, honesty, and knowledge, should be 100% sure of the fact that ISIS is a US creation and that, when John Kerry mentioned the need (...)
Today, Friday 13 things are going really bad for both superstitious and non-superstitious Europeans facing the very real possibility of getting infected with COVID-19. If February 21 was (...)
NOTE: This article was written between March 6 and March 7, using figures from March 6 only. After having self-inflicted huge and painful economic losses in order to control this new (...)
VIDEO 3 - China's secret internment camps | Vox | USA As more videos from western media will be debunked here, you will notice the pattern: a western consensus about a parallel reality of (...)
Freedom of expression and propaganda (1) Let us begin with pathetic propaganda that only very well indoctrinated Western sheep-like humans can swallow: Nicolás Maduro threatens to (...)
Information Millions can be seen, in photos and videos, supporting Maduro, the democratically elected Venezuelan President. If a westerner believes himself to be well informed by his (...)
As I promised, here is the second part of the article showing evidence of Western falsehood about oppressive regimes. The first part can be read here (...)
To start writing this essay, I chose a cozy bar/restaurant named Tango, in the city center, where I had the pleasureto be surrounded by French and Canadian journalists eating wonderful (...)
Because a picture is worth a thousand words, many videos are worth many millions of words. And there's plenty of videos showing the violent and criminal oppression to which the anti-democrat (...)